I confess I did some craft!

As you know I am one of the first people to encourage you not to do craft at your music group. You don't need it and it is a lot of effort. That being said, I did some craft for my music group. Last term our theme was 'Under the Sea'. We had great fun singing, dancing and playing under the sea songs. One of the songs we sang was, Three Jellyfish. We sang this song with scarves, using them to move like Jellyfish. One of the Grandmas that comes to our group bought in some ribbons, bunched together, which looked liked Jellyfish. But in preparing my lessons for other churches and groups I thought, they may want to make/use Jellyfish instead of scarves. So here is what we did:

Paper plate

Cut the paper plate in half 
Add some eyes!

Glue on some tentacles
A jellyfish!
Of course you can get excited and colour or paint your paper plates. You can get the children to make these during class time, give them the instructions to make them at home and bring them back to use in class (in which case you should make a few extra in case they forget) or just make them yourself. My 6 year old had a blast making them!
